Image processing and pattern recognition Group

Research Topics & Applications

The Image processing and pattern recognition group (or “Image Team”) addresses the following topics:

We take a particular care about the performance of our implementations (GPU programming, SIMD instructions, parallelism programming) and the reproducibility of our research. We are also users of machine learning / deep learning methods, and we have occasional methodological contributions to this topic.


The team collaborates with many other French and international laboratories, such as:

  • LIP6, Sorbonne Université
  • Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière (IGN)
  • IMCCE, Observatoire de Paris
  • LIGM, Université Gustave-Eiffel
  • Lab-STICC, Télécom Bretagne
  • GISPA-Lab, Université Grenoble-Alpes
  • CMM, Mines Paris
  • Université de Séville (Spain)
  • Wuhan University (China).

We develop the open source library pylene targeting a generic and efficient library focusing on image processing and more specifically on Mathematical morphology.


Group leader:


Associate Professors:

Phd students:

  • Adam Descarpentries
  • Caroline Mazini-Rodrigues
  • Glen Pouliquen
  • Giulio Quaglia
  • Solenn Tual
  • Charles Villard

Former PhD students:

  • Yizi Chen
  • Baptiste Esteban
  • Michaël Roynard
  • Zhou Zhao