The Document Analysis and Recognition topic is an application domain the Image Processing and Pattern Recognition team regularly contributes to. More specifically, we recently addressed the following challenges:
- structured information extraction from historical document images
- identity and administrative document authentication
- mobile document image acquisition
- metrics and performance evaluation
Main contact: Joseph Chazalon
Projects and collaborations
- (2024-2026) Mezanno: Collaborative and Assisted Annotation of Public Textual Resources Published with the IIIF API
Partners: National Library of France (BnF), the EPITA Graduate School of Computer Science, the French National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN), and the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS)
- (2023-2026) ANRT CIFRE HoloCheck: Authentication of Optical Variable Devices on Identity Documents
Partners: EPITA, IDnow
This industrial projects aims at increasing trust in digital exchanges thanks to reliable identity proofs. The focus of this project is to automate the authentication of holographic seals in official identity documents.
- (2018-2023) ANR SoDUCo (ANR-18-CE38-0013):
Social Dynamics in Urban Context —
Open tools, models and data — Paris and its suburbs, 1789-1950
Partners: IGN, EHESS, EPITA, Archives Nationales SoDUCo is a 4 years multidisciplinary project funded by the French National Research Agency, it has started in March 2019 and will end in 2023. SoDUCo brings together people from the geographical sciences, from urban history, specialists of network morphogenesis and computer scientists to study the evolution of Paris over time, both in terms of its morphological transformations and its social evolutions. - (2016-2019) FUi MOBIDEM: MOBile IDEntity for the Masses - a platform for mobile signatures (FUI 21 project - 2016-2019 - labeled by the Competitiveness Cluster Systematic)
Partners: AriadNEXT, Oberthur TECHNOLOGIES, oodrive, L3I – Université de La Rochelle, EPITA - (2012-2016) Linx - FUI 14:
An automatic reader to help visually impaired people in their everyday lives (project labeled by cap-digital).
Partners: Open wide, Armines Centre for Mathematical Morphology (CMM), A+B, ITESOFT, BrailleNet, EPITA - (2013-2015) TerraRush - Investissement d’avenir - Grand Emprunt:
A platform for indexing video files from digitized rushes (project labeled by the Competitiveness Cluster cap-digital).
Partners: Capital Vision, Kernix, Resonate MP4, ETIS, EPITA - (2007-2010) Scribo - FUI (project labeled by the Competitiveness Cluster Systematic):
Semi-automatic and Collaborative Retrieval of Information Based on Ontologies.
Partners: The French News Agency AFP, CEA LIST, the ALPAGE Research team of INRIA, Mandriva, Nuxeo, Proxem, Tagmatica, XWiki, EPITA