- Site: Strasbourg
- Group: automata and applications
- Axis: software and performance
Contact information | |
daniel.[lastname]@[domain name] |
Short Bio
I am an “Enseignant Chercheur” (Associate Professor) at EPITA, Strasbourg, in the the Automata and Applications group.
- 13.05.2024: I became associated member of the ICube lab, in the Network Team working in particular on distributed algorithms
- 31.03.2024: Accepted article at IJCAR 2024: SAT-based Learning of Computation Tree Logic co-authored with Adrien Pommellet and Simon Scatton: preprint
- 21.02.2024: I presented our article Concurrent Stochastic Lossy Channel Games (joint work with Muhammad Najib, Anthony W. Lin and Parosh A. Abdulla) at CSL 2024: Slides
- 20.08.2023: I moved to EPITA Strasbourg
- …
Before joining Epita in October 22:
- Oct 19-Sept 22: Postdoc at TU Kaiserslautern, Automated Reasoning group of Anthony W. Lin
- Mai 17-Sept 19: Postdoc at Saarland Uni, Dependable Systems and Software chair of Holger Hermanns
- Oct 13-March 17: PhD student at LSV/ENS Cachan, supervised by Patricia Bouyer and Nicolas Markey
My research interests include formal methods and model checking techniques with a particular focus on:
- Stochastic systems and games
- Multi-agent systems
- Verification, parameterized in the number of processes/agents
In particular, my current work is focused on exact/active learning algorithms with applications to parameterized model checking.
For a full list of publications, you can check:
At Epita, I give the following lectures (2023-2024), with bold font when I’m main lecturer and organizing the class (référent).
- THLR (SPE Théorie des Langages Réguliers)
- FOLO (ING1 Formalisation Logique)
- ALGOREP (ING3 algorithmiqiue répartie)
- PFON (ING1 Programmation Fonctionnelle)
- MOD2 (ING1 Modélisation Objet)
- NET2 (ING1 éléments de réseau 2)
- GAGA (ING1 électif Games and Generalized Automata)
- ERO1 (ING1 éléments de recherche opérationnelle)
- Summer Program 2024 in Strasbourg (1 week, basics of networking for IoT)
For more content, visit my personal website or my previous academic page here at TUK.