Fabrice Boissier

Fabrice Boissier
  • Site: Paris
  • Group: digital methods for humanities and social sciences
Contact information
Email fabrice.boissier@epita.fr


Professor Associate (and alumni) at EPITA after a PhD from Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne on knowledge extraction and reuse from knowledge intensive processes, and a research MSc also at Paris 1 where I wrote a memoir about enterprise modeling on decentralized organizations. My thesis focused on the reuse of documents’ fragments in order to build a course syllabus using data analysis techniques (formal concept analysis and clustering), data visualization tools (Gephi), and natural language processing tools (BabelFy and TreeTagger).

As stated, I’m an alumni from EPITA where I graduated in 2012 in the specialization SRS (Système Réseau Sécurité - System Network Security) where I acquired a lot of technical skills and experiences with my old friends, but I also learned a lot about humanities from my newer friends at Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne ! I’m open to collaboration with nearly any research domain : just contact me by mail.


My current research field is still opened around formal concept analysis (FCA), topic modeling, text processing, data visualization, knowledge extraction, and knowledge intensive processes (KIP).

I’m currently working with Nidà Meddouri in the Security and Systems team on Formal Concept Analysis as a methodology and its applications in the topic modeling field, and also with Marie Puren in the DMHSS (MNSHS) team on a research project in contemporary history about militarization of youth litterature between 1870 and 1919 by analyzing multiple books and their texts.

I’m also a member of the ML axis where I share my work and learn with and from all of my colleagues.


For a full list of publications, you can check:


I’m teaching various courses in the Bachelor CyberSécurité since 2022 to 1st year students (who are very funny and motivated students).

I usually teach about:

  • algorithmics (basis, list, stack, queue, binary trees)
  • computer architecture (binary/hexa conversions, IEEE754 floats, logic gates, and some basis of assembly)
  • programming languages (C, Python)
  • operating systems (UNIX, Linux, shell, syscalls)

…and how they are tightly linked together within our current computer systems.

Internships Supervision

In addition to my teaching mission, I’m supervising internships for students of EPITA and other institutions.

Research internships:

  • Aissa RAZANI (2025) EPITA
  • Yasmine SOUISSI (2025) Université de Sousse
  • Monica SEN (2024 - 2025) Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne
  • Jack CAI (2023 - 2024) Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne
  • Samuel GONCALVES (2023 - 2025) EPITA
  • Alexandra DELIN (2023) EPITA


  • Quentin LAUMONIER (2023) IA Institut