- Site: Paris
- Group: image processing and pattern recognition
- Axis: machine learning and applications
Short Bio
I obtained a M.Sc degree in electrical engineering, with a major in signal and image processing, from the Grenoble Institute of Technology, France, in 2012. From January to June 2012, I was also a Predoctoral Fellow with Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford University, USA.
I received a PhD degree in signal and image processing from the Université Grenoble Alpes, France, in 2015. I conducted my research at GIPSA-lab within the SigmaPhy (‘‘Signaux et Images Physiques’’) team, under the supervision of Jocelyn Chanussot and Mauro Dalla Mura. I was also a visiting scholar with the Department of Mathematics, University of Californie, Los Angeles, USA from June to August 2013.
From 2015 to 2016, I was a Temporary Assistant Professor (‘‘ATER’’) with the Grenoble Institute of Technology and GIPSA-lab.
Since September 2016, I am an Assistant Professor with EPITA and I conduct my research with EPITA Research Laboratory, within the Image Processing and Pattern Recognition team.
Since September 2022, I am also an Invited Researcher at the Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Éphémérides (IMCCE, Observatoire de Paris), within the PEGASE team.
Contact information | |
guillaume.tochon@epita.fr | |
Tel | +33 1 53 14 59 39 |
Research interest
My research interests lie in the fields of mathematical morphology (notably the use of hierarchical representations), statistical signal processing and machine/deep learning (sometimes all interacting together), with applications in space imagery (astrometry) and satellite imagery (particularly multi/hyperspectral image processing).
Examples of on-going projects include:
- Learning structuring elements and morphological operation with deep neural networks (former work of A. Kirszenberg and R. Hermary), jointly with É. Puybareau and J. Angulo (CMM).
- Learning the temporal dynamics directly from Sentinel-2 multispectral time series data (phD work of A. Frion, ANR JCJC Lemonade), jointly with A. Aïssa El Bey (IMT-Atlantique), L. Drumetz (IMT-Atlantique) and M. Dalla Mura (Grenoble-INP).
- Detection and classification of meteors and satellites in 1 second long exposure pictures of the night sky, jointly with É. Puybareau, J. Fabrizio and J. Vaubaillon (IMCCE).
- Large scale analysis of the CASSINI image database for space object detection and classification (PhD work of G. Quaglia), jointly with V. Lainey (IMCCE)
For a full list of publications, you can check:
I currently supervise the PhD work of:
- B. Esteban (since Nov. 2020). Topic: ‘‘Modern and efficient implementations of Mathematical Morphology algorithms for image processing and noise estimation’’. Joint supervision with D. Verna and E. Carlinet)
- A. Frion (since Oct. 2021). Topic: ‘‘Learning and modeling spectral dynamics of satellite image time series’’. Joint supervision with A. Aïssa El Bey (IMT-Atlantique), L. Drumetz (IMT-Atlantique) and M. Dalla Mura (Grenoble-INP)), in the framework of the ANR JCJC Lemonade (PI L. Drumetz)
- G. Quaglia (since Sept. 2022). Topic: ‘‘Application of IA techniques to the analysis of the Cassini ISS images’’. Joint supervision with V. Lainey (IMCCE)
Former students:
- J. Rivet, who defended her [https://www.lrde.epita.fr/wiki/Affiche-these-JR PhD] in July 2020, on ‘‘Non-iterative methods for image improvement in digital holography of the retina’’ (joint supervision with T. Géraud, M. Paques (Sorbonne Université), S. Meimon (ONERA) and M. Atlan (Institut Langevin))
- J. Estopinan (M2 intern between Feb. 2020 and Jul. 2020), on the subject ‘‘Temporal Dynamics Learning for Hyperspectral Images Unmixing’’ (joint supervision with L. Drumetz (IMT-Atlantique))
- R. Hermary (EPITA research student, Feb. 2021- Feb. 2022). Topic: ‘‘Learning structuring elements and morphological operation with deep neural networks’’ (joint supervision with É. Puybareau)
- M. El Gemayel (EPITA research student, Sept. 2020- Sept. 2021). Topic: ‘‘Detection and classification of meteors and satellites in 1 second long exposure pictures of the night sky’’ (joint supervision with É. Puybareau)
- B. Parsy (EPITA research student, Feb. 2020 - Feb. 2021), on the subject ‘‘Sensitivity of hierarchical representations to noise in images’’
- T. Buatois (EPITA research student, Feb. 2019 - Feb. 2021), on the subject ‘‘Smart and robust segmentation of medical images using neural networks’’ (joint supervision with É. Puybareau)
- A. Kirszenberg (EPITA research student, Feb. 2019 - Feb. 2020), on the subject ‘‘Learning morphological operations with deep neural networks’’ (joint supervision with É. Puybareau)
- B. Esteban (EPITA research student, Sept 2018 - Feb. 2020), on the subject ‘‘Noise estimation from the tree of shapes and non parametric statistics’’
- T. De Carvalho (EPITA research student, Sept 2018 - Feb. 2020), on the topic ‘‘Learning Model Checking’’ (supervision with E. Renault)
I am teaching the following courses at EPITA:
- Mathematics for signal processing (ING1 level - third year of undergrad studies). Lectures: 14h / practical labs: 12h
- Data compression (ING1 level - third year of undergrad studies). Lectures: 9h / practical labs: 3h
- Introduction to image processing (ING1 level - third year of undergrad studies). Practical labl: 12h
- Convex Optimisation (ING2 IMAGE - first year of grad studies). Lectures: 18h / Practical labs: 18h
- Introduction to Machine Learning (ING2 IMAGE - first year of grad studies). Lectures: 5h / practical labs: 12h
- Constrained optimization (ING3 IMAGE - second year of grad studies). Lectures: 10h / practical labs: 6h