Julien Michel

Julien Michel
  • Site: Strasbourg
  • Group: security and systems

Short Bio

Currently a Phd students working on the subject of " Trustworthy Graph Analysis for Detection of Cybersecurity Anomalies " and a graduate of the " Sciences des données et systèmes complexes " master degree at the Univervisité de Strasbourg. I joined EPITA in february 2022 and I am part of the LRE Security and systems teams.

Contact information
Email julien.michel@epita.fr
Tel 07 85 96 40 10


I gave two courses to 1st year engineers in Strasbourg in 2022-2023 :

  • Computer architecture as part of harmonization for computer sciences.
  • Language theorie.


Currently working on the DAMIAGE project which objective is to develop cyberattacks detection algorithms. In particular the project focus on the use of graphs as means to detect attacks as graph representation seems appropriate to the complex network architecture of the studied data. This work is subjected to different constraints, namely :

  • the scalability which is the capacity of algorithm to handle an possibly.increasing amount of data.
  • the diversity which is how heterogenous the studied data are or will be.
  • the explainability which is how transparent are the decisions of the detection model for given results.
  • the trustability is the amount of trust users should be able to give to a system.

Those differents constraints have brought us to studies graph communities as features for cyberattacks detection and are currently at the center of my research work with the set up of data analys chaîn for anomalies detection.


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