- SoDuCo : Social Dynamics in Urban Context : open tools, models, and data – Paris and its suburbs, 1789-1950 (with CTHP, LaSTIG, CRH)
- TickTac : Efficient Techniques and Tools for the Verification and Synthesis of Real-Time Systems (with IRISA (Rennes), LaBRI (Bordeaux), LIS (Marseille), LSV (Cachan), ISIR (Paris))
- APATE : A Prototype deepfake Assessment Toolbox for forensic Experts (with ENS Paris Saclay (coord), Service National de Police Scientifique, LIX, IDM)
- PANDORA: Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), particularly in the field of graph neural networks (GNN)
- Damiage : Détection d’attaques et de Menaces pour des Infrastructures à Grande Echelle’, founded by French DGA - 2019-2023
- “Abnomalies detection in pulmonary vessels” with GE Healthcare
- “Verification of Variable Optical Devices in Identity Documents” with IDnow
- “Prédiction des intrusions réseau par apprentissage fédéré et interprétable des anomalies dans un environnement distribué” with APL-Datacenter
- XDGMed - Explainable attack Detection using Graphs for Medical devices, co-founded by Région Grand-Est and EPITA - 2022-2025
- DeepToS
- Mezanno - Collaborative and Assisted Annotation of Public Textual Resources Published with the IIIF API, in collaboration with the National Library of France (BnF), the EPITA Graduate School of Computer Science, the French National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN), and the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), 2024-2026