Étienne Renault

Parallel model checking algorithms for linear-time temporal logic


Model checking is a fully automated, formal method for demonstrating absence of bugs in reactive systems. Here, bugs are violations of properties in Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL). A fundamental challenge to its application is the exponential explosion in the number of system states. The current chapter discusses the use of parallelism in order to overcome this challenge. We reiterate the textbook automata-theoretic approach, which reduces the model checking problem to the graph problem of finding cycles. We discuss several parallel algorithms that attack this problem in various ways, each with different characteristics: Depth-first search (DFS) based algorithms rely on heuristics for good parallelization, but exhibit a low complexity and good on-the-fly behavior. Breadth-first search (BFS) based approaches, on the other hand, offer good parallel scalability and support distributed parallelism. In addition, we present various simpler model checking tasks, which still solve a large and important subset of the LTL model checking problem, and show how these can be exploited to yield more efficient algorithms. In particular, we provide simplified DFS-based search algorithms and show that the BFS-based algorithms exhibit optimal runtimes in certain cases.

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Heuristics for checking liveness properties with partial order reductions

By Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Fabrice Kordon, Denis Poitrenaud, Étienne Renault


In Proceedings of the 14th international symposium on automated technology for verification and analysis (ATVA’16)


Checking liveness properties with partial-order reductions requires a cycle proviso to ensure that an action cannot be postponed forever. The proviso forces each cycle to contain at least one fully expanded state. We present new heuristics to select which state to expand, hoping to reduce the size of the resulting graph. The choice of the state to expand is done when encountering a dangerous edge. Almost all existing provisos expand the source of this edge, while this paper also explores the expansion of the destination and the use of SCC-based information.

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Spot 2.0 — a framework for LTL and $\omega$-automata manipulation

By Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Alexandre Lewkowicz, Amaury Fauchille, Thibaud Michaud, Étienne Renault, Laurent Xu


In Proceedings of the 14th international symposium on automated technology for verification and analysis (ATVA’16)


We present Spot 2.0, a C++ library with Python bindings and an assortment of command-line tools designed to manipulate LTL and $\omega$-automata in batch. New automata-manipulation tools were introduced in Spot 2.0; they support arbitrary acceptance conditions, as expressible in the Hanoi Omega Automaton format. Besides being useful to researchers who have automata to process, its Python bindings can also be used in interactive environments to teach $\omega$-automata and model checking.

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Variations on parallel explicit model checking for generalized Büchi automata

By Étienne Renault, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Fabrice Kordon, Denis Poitrenaud


In International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)


We present new parallel explicit emptiness checks for LTL model checking. Unlike existing parallel emptiness checks, these are based on a Strongly Connected Component (SCC) enumeration, support generalized Büchi acceptance, and require no synchronization points nor recomputing procedures. A salient feature of our algorithms is the use of a global union-find data structure in which multiple threads share structural information about the automaton checked. Besides these basic algorithms, we present one architectural variant isolating threads that write to the union-find, and one extension that decomposes the automaton based on the strength of its SCCs to use more optimized emptiness checks. The results from an extensive experimentation of our algorithms and their variations show encouraging performances, especially when the decomposition technique is used.

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Parallel explicit model checking for generalized Büchi automata

By Étienne Renault, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Fabrice Kordon, Denis Poitrenaud


In Proceedings of the 19th international conference on tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems (TACAS’15)


We present new parallel emptiness checks for LTL model checking. Unlike existing parallel emptiness checks, these are based on an SCC enumeration, support generalized Buchi acceptance, and require no synchronization points nor repair procedures. A salient feature of our algorithms is the use of a global union-find data structure in which multiple threads share structural information about the automaton being checked. Our prototype implementation has encouraging performances: the new emptiness checks have better speedup than existing algorithms in half of our experiments.

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Contribution aux tests de vacuité pour le model checking explicite


The automata-theoretic approach to linear time model-checking is a standard technique for formal verification of concurrent systems. The system and the property to check are modeled with omega-automata that recognizes infinite words. Operations overs these automata (synchronized product and emptiness checks) allows to determine whether the system satisfies the property or not. In this thesis we focus on a particular type of omega-automata that enable a concise representation of weak fairness properties: transitions-based generalized Büchi automata (TGBA). First we outline existing verification algorithms, and we propose new efficient algorithms for strong automata. In a second step, the analysis of the strongly connected components of the property automaton led us to develop a decomposition of this automata. This decomposition focuses on multi-strength property automata and allows a natural parallelization for already existing model-checkers. Finally, we proposed, for the first time, new parallel emptiness checks for generalized Büchi automata. Moreover, all these emptiness checks are lock-free, unlike those of the state-of-the-art. All these techniques have been implemented and then evaluated on a large benchmark.

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Three SCC-based emptiness checks for generalized Büchi automata

By Étienne Renault, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Fabrice Kordon, Denis Poitrenaud


In Proceedings of the 19th international conference on logic for programming, artificial intelligence, and reasoning (LPAR’13)


The automata-theoretic approach for the verification of linear time properties involves checking the emptiness of a Büchi automaton. However generalized Büchi automata, with multiple acceptance sets, are preferred when verifying under weak fairness hypotheses. Existing emptiness checks for which the complexity is independent of the number of acceptance sets are all based on the enumeration of Strongly Connected Components (SCCs). In this paper, we review the state of the art SCC enumeration algorithms to study how they can be turned into emptiness checks. This leads us to define two new emptiness check algorithms (one of them based on the Union Find data structure), introduce new optimizations, and show that one of these can be of benefit to a classic SCCs enumeration algorithm. We have implemented all these variants to compare their relative performances and the overhead induced by the emptiness check compared to the corresponding SCCs enumeration algorithm. Our experiments shows that these three algorithms are comparable.

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Strength-based decomposition of the property Büchi automaton for faster model checking

By Étienne Renault, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Fabrice Kordon, Denis Poitrenaud


In Proceedings of the 19th international conference on tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems (TACAS’13)


The automata-theoretic approach for model checking of linear-time temporal properties involves the emptiness check of a large Büchi automaton. Specialized emptiness-check algorithms have been proposed for the cases where the property is represented by a weak or terminal automaton. When the property automaton does not fall into these categories, a general emptiness check is required. This paper focuses on this class of properties. We refine previous approaches by classifying strongly-connected components rather than automata, and suggest a decomposition of the property automaton into three smaller automata capturing the terminal, weak, and the remaining strong behaviors of the property. The three corresponding emptiness checks can be performed independently, using the most appropriate algorithm. Such a decomposition approach can be used with any automata-based model checker. We illustrate the interest of this new approach using explicit and symbolic LTL model checkers.

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