
Junk code: A practitioners' study

Harel Berger will give a talk on “Malware Detection Experiment” during the seminar of the Security and Systems group the 10th of December. More information here:

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Chiffrement homomorphe pour protéger la vie privée des données dans l'apprentissage automatique

Yulliwas Ameur will give a talk on “Chiffrement homomorphe pour protéger la vie privée des données dans l’apprentissage automatique” during the seminar of Security and Systems group. More information here:

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Détection de rootkit et/ou leur classification par side-channel

Damien Marion will give a talk on “Détection de rootkit et/ou leur classification par side-channel” during the seminar of Security and Systems group. More information here:

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Data-Driven Malware Classification Assisted by Machine Learning Methods

Cassius Puodzius will give a talk on “Data-Driven Malware Classification Assisted by Machine Learning Methods” during the seminar of Security and Systems group. More information here:

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