Souheib Baarir

Modular and efficient divide-and-conquer SAT solver on top of the Painless framework

By Ludovic Le Frioux, Souheib Baarir, Julien Sopena, Fabrice Kordon


In Proceedings of the 25th international conference on tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems (TACAS’19)


Over the last decade, parallel SATisfiability solving has been widely studied from both theoretical and practical aspects. There are two main approaches. First, divide-and-conquer (D&C) splits the search space, each solver being in charge of a particular subspace. The second one, portfolio launches multiple solvers in parallel, and the first to find a solution ends the computation. However although D&C based approaches seem to be the natural way to work in parallel, portfolio ones experimentally provide better performances. An explanation resides on the difficulties to use the native formulation of the SAT problem (i.e., the CNF form) to compute an a priori good search space partitioning (i.e., all parallel solvers process their subspaces in comparable computational time). To avoid this, dynamic load balancing of the search subspaces is implemented. Unfortunately, this is difficult to compare load balancing strategies since state-of-the-art SAT solvers appropriately dealing with these aspects are hardly adaptable to various strategies than the ones they have been designed for. This paper aims at providing a way to overcome this problem by proposing an implementation and evaluation of different types of divide-and- conquer inspired from the literature. These are relying on the Painless framework, which provides concurrent facilities to elaborate such parallel SAT solvers. Comparison of the various strategies are then discussed.

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CDCLSym: Introducing effective symmetry breaking in SAT solving

By Hakan Metin, Souheib Baarir, Maximilien Colange, Fabrice Kordon


In Proceedings of the 24th international conference on tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems (TACAS’18)


SAT solvers are now widely used to solve a large variety of problems, including formal verification of systems. SAT problems derived from such applications often exhibit symmetry properties that could be exploited to speed up their solving. Static symmetry breaking is so far the most popular approach to take advantage of symmetries. It relies on a symmetry preprocessor which augments the initial problem with constraints that force the solver to consider only a few configurations among the many symmetric ones.This paper presents a new way to handle symmetries, that avoids the main problem of the current static approaches: the prohibitive cost of the preprocessing phase. Extensive experiments on the benchmarks of last six SAT competitions show that our approach is competitive with the best state-of-the-art static symmetry breaking solutions.

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PaInleSS: A framework for parallel SAT solving

By Ludovic Le Frioux, Souheib Baarir, Julien Sopena, Fabrice Kordon


In Proceedings of the 20th international conference on theory and applications of satisfiability testing (SAT’17)


Over the last decade, parallel SAT solving has been widely studied from both theoretical and practical aspects. There are now numerous solvers that dier by parallelization strategies, programming languages, concurrent programming, involved libraries, etc. Hence, comparing the eciency of the theoretical approaches is a challenging task. Moreover, the introduction of a new approach needs either a deep understanding of the existing solvers, or to start from scratch the implementation of a new tool. We present PaInleSS: a framework to build parallel SAT solvers for many-core environments. Thanks to its genericity and modularity, it provides the implementation of basics for parallel SAT solving like clause exchanges, Portfolio and Divide-and-Conquer strategies. It also enables users to easily create their own parallel solvers based on new strategies. Our experiments show that our framework compares well with some of the best state-of-the-art solvers.

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Parallel learning portfolio-based solvers

By Tarek Menouer, Souheib Baarir


In Proceedings of the international conference on computational science (ICCS)


Exploiting multi-core architectures is a way to tackle the CPU time consumption when solving SAT- isfiability (SAT) problems. Portfolio is one of the main techniques that implements this principle. It consists in making several solvers competing, on the same problem, and the winner will be the first that answers. In this work, we improved this technique by using a learning schema, namely the Exploration- Exploitation using Exponential weight (EXP3), that allows smart resource allocations. Our contribution is adapted to situations where we have to solve a bench of SAT instances issued from one or several sequence of problems. Our experiments show that our approach achieves good results.

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Parallel satisfiability solver based on hybrid partitioning method

By Tarek Menouer, Souheib Baarir


In Proceedings of the 25th euromicro international conference on parallel, distributed and network-based processing (PDP)


This paper presents a hybrid partitioning method used to improve the performance of solving a Satisfiability (SAT) problems. The principle of our approach consist firstly to apply a static partitioning to decompose the search tree in finite set of disjoint sub-trees, than assign each sub-tree to one computing core. However it is not easy to choose the relevant branching variables to partition the search tree. We propose in this context to partition the search tree according to the variables that occur more frequently then others. The advantage of this method is that it gives a good disjoint sub- trees. However, the drawback is the imbalance load between all computing cores of the system. To overcome this drawback, we propose as novelty to extend the static partitioning by combining with a new dynamic partitioning that assure a good load balancing between cores. Each time a new waiting core is detected, the dynamic partitioning selects automatically using an estimation function the computing core which has the most work to do in order to partition dynamically its sub-tree in two parts. It keeps one part and gives the second part to the waiting core. Preliminary result show that a good speedup is achieved using our hybrid method.

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SAT-based minimization of deterministic $\omega$-automata

By Souheib Baarir, Alexandre Duret-Lutz


In Proceedings of the 20th international conference on logic for programming, artificial intelligence, and reasoning (LPAR’15)


We describe a tool that inputs a deterministic $\omega$-automaton with any acceptance condition, and synthesizes an equivalent $\omega$-automaton with another arbitrary acceptance condition and a given number of states, if such an automaton exists. This tool, that relies on a SAT-based encoding of the problem, can be used to provide minimal $\omega$-automata equivalent to given properties, for different acceptance conditions.

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Mechanizing the minimization of deterministic generalized Büchi automata

By Souheib Baarir, Alexandre Duret-Lutz


In Proceedings of the 34th IFIP international conference on formal techniques for distributed objects, components and systems (FORTE’14)


Deterministic Büchi automata (DBA) are useful to (probabilistic) model checking and synthesis. We survey techniques used to obtain and minimize DBAs for different classes of properties. We extend these techniques to support DBA that have generalized and transition-based acceptance (DTGBA) as they can be even smaller. Our minimization technique—a reduction to a SAT problem—synthesizes a DTGBA equivalent to the input DTGBA for any given number of states and number of acceptance sets (assuming such automaton exists). We present benchmarks using a framework that implements all these techniques.

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