Summer Week - Team Security / Systems
L’équipe Sécutité/ Systèmes organise un Summer Week le 29-30 Juin et 01 Juillet 2023. Pour plus d’informations ici.
L’équipe Sécutité/ Systèmes organise un Summer Week le 29-30 Juin et 01 Juillet 2023. Pour plus d’informations ici.
Rémi Dulong will give a talk on “RDMA enhanced by In-Network features” during the seminar of the Security and Systems group. More information here:
LRE Research Students will expose their work during this seminar on June, 28th and 29th. More information here.
Sylvain Lobry will give a talk on “L’apprentissage profond pour faciliter l’extraction d’informations d’images de télédétection” during the seminar of the Image group. More information here:
Yulliwas Ameur will give a talk on “Chiffrement homomorphe pour protéger la vie privée des données dans l’apprentissage automatique” during the seminar of Security and Systems group. More information here:
Damien Marion will give a talk on “Détection de rootkit et/ou leur classification par side-channel” during the seminar of Security and Systems group. More information here:
The first event of the Robotics and Software Axis will take place on the 31th of March from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. More information here:
The second event of the Machine Learning axis will take place on the 29th of March from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. More information here:
Title: “Modern vectorization and alignment of historical maps: An application to Paris Atlas (1789-1950)” More information:
Cassius Puodzius will give a talk on “Data-Driven Malware Classification Assisted by Machine Learning Methods” during the seminar of Security and Systems group. More information here:
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