
Seminar Automata and Applications: Static analysis of Michelson smart-contracts using abstract interpretation

Vincent Botbol will give a talk on “Static analysis of Michelson smart-contracts using abstract interpretation” during the seminar of the Automata and Application group. More information here:

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The 46th ISS day took place at EPITA this year! The program of this event can be found here:

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PhD Defense Zhou ZHAO

Title: “Heart Segmentation and Evaluation of Fibrosis” More information:

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SAT Solver + Computer Algebra Attack on the Minimum Kochen-Specker Problem

Vijay Ganesh will give a talk on “SAT Solver + Computer Algebra Attack on the Minimum Kochen-Specker Problem” (conjoint with LIP6) during the seminar of the Automata and Application group. More information here:

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Thierry Géraud represents LRE at EDITE-Day

The doctoral school of Paris EDITE has organized a conference day Journée de l’EDITE dedicated to PhD-students, their supervisors and the best PhD Thesis Award. Among the labs attending, Thierry has presented the unified EPITA Research Laboratory (LRE) with its newly defined research groups and axes.

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Guillaume Tochon from LRE invited speaker at GT-GDMM

Guillaume Tochon gave a plenary talk at the annual seminar of the Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology Research Group, on the topic of learning mathematical morphology operations with morphological neural networks. He presented the latest results obtained at LRE with RDI students (from EPITA’s research double major) and in collaboration with the Center for Mathematical Morphology (CMM, Mines ParisTech).

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