Alexandre Kirszenberg

Go2Pins: A framework for the LTL verification of Go programs (extended version)

By Alexandre Kirszenberg, Antoine Martin, Hugo Moreau, Étienne Renault


In International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)


We introduce Go2Pins, a tool that takes a program written in Go and links it with two model-checkers: LTSMin and Spot. Go2Pins is an effort to promote the integration of both formal verification and testing inside industrial-size projects. With this goal in mind, we introduce black-box transitions, an efficient and scalable technique for handling the Go runtime. This approach, inspired by hardware verification techniques, allows easy, automatic and efficient abstractions. Go2Pins also handles basic concurrent programs through the use of a dedicated scheduler. Moreover, in order to efficiently handle recursive programs, we introduce PSLRec, a formalism that augments PSL without changing the complexity of the underlying verification process.

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Learning grayscale mathematical morphology with smooth morphological layers


The integration of mathematical morphology operations within convolutional neural network architectures has received an increasing attention lately. However, replacing standard convolution layers by morphological layers performing erosions or dilations is particularly challenging because the min and max operations are not differentiable. P-convolution layers were proposed as a possible solution to this issue since they can act as smooth differentiable approximation of min and max operations, yielding pseudo-dilation or pseudo-erosion layers. In a recent work, we proposed two novel morphological layers based on the same principle as the p-convolution, while circumventing its principal drawbacks, and showcased their capacity to efficiently learn grayscale morphological operators while raising several edge cases. In this work, we complete those previous results by thoroughly analyzing the behavior of the proposed layers and by investigating and settling the reported edge cases. We also demonstrate the compatibility of one of the proposed morphological layers with binary morphological frameworks.

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VerSe: A vertebrae labelling and segmentation benchmark for multi-detector CT images


Vertebral labelling and segmentation are two fundamental tasks in an automated spine processing pipeline. Reliable and accurate processing of spine images is expected to benefit clinical decision support systems for diagnosis, surgery planning, and population-based analysis of spine and bone health. However, designing automated algorithms for spine processing is challenging predominantly due to considerable variations in anatomy and acquisition protocols and due to a severe shortage of publicly available data. Addressing these limitations, the Large Scale Vertebrae Segmentation Challenge (VerSe) was organised in conjunction with the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) in 2019 and 2020, with a call for algorithms tackling the labelling and segmentation of vertebrae. Two datasets containing a total of 374 multi-detector CT scans from 355 patients were prepared and 4505 vertebrae have individually been annotated at voxel level by a human-machine hybrid algorithm (, A total of 25 algorithms were benchmarked on these datasets. In this work, we present the results of this evaluation and further investigate the performance variation at the vertebra level, scan level, and different fields of view. We also evaluate the generalisability of the approaches to an implicit domain shift in data by evaluating the top-performing algorithms of one challenge iteration on data from the other iteration. The principal takeaway from VerSe: the performance of an algorithm in labelling and segmenting a spine scan hinges on its ability to correctly identify vertebrae in cases of rare anatomical variations. The VerSe content and code can be accessed at:

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Go2Pins: A framework for the LTL verification of Go programs

By Alexandre Kirszenberg, Antoine Martin, Hugo Moreau, Étienne Renault


In Proceedings of the 27th international SPIN symposium on model checking of software (SPIN’21)


We introduce Go2Pins, a tool that takes a program written in Go and links it with two model-checkers: LTSMin [19] and Spot [7]. Go2Pins is an effort to promote the integration of both formal verifica- tion and testing inside industrial-size projects. With this goal in mind, we introduce black-box transitions, an efficient and scalable technique for handling the Go runtime. This approach, inspired by hardware ver- ification techniques, allows easy, automatic and efficient abstractions. Go2Pins also handles basic concurrent programs through the use of a dedicated scheduler. In this paper we demonstrate the usage of Go2Pins over benchmarks inspired by industrial problems and a set of LTL formulae. Even if Go2Pins is still at the early stages of development, our results are promising and show the the benefits of using black-box transitions.

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Going beyond p-convolutions to learn grayscale morphological operators

By Alexandre Kirszenberg, Guillaume Tochon, Élodie Puybareau, Jesus Angulo


In Proceedings of the IAPR international conference on discrete geometry and mathematical morphology (DGMM)


Integrating mathematical morphology operations within deep neural networks has been subject to increasing attention lately. However, replacing standard convolution layers with erosions or dilations is particularly challenging because the min and max operations are not differentiable. Relying on the asymptotic behavior of the counter-harmonic mean, p-convolutional layers were proposed as a possible workaround to this issue since they can perform pseudo-dilation or pseudo-erosion operations (depending on the value of their inner parameter p), and very promising results were reported. In this work, we present two new morphological layers based on the same principle as the p-convolutional layer while circumventing its principal drawbacks, and demonstrate their potential interest in further implementations within deep convolutional neural network architectures.

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