Yongchao Xu

Introducing the Dahu pseudo-distance

By Thierry Géraud, Yongchao Xu, Edwin Carlinet, Nicolas Boutry


In Mathematical morphology and its application to signal and image processing – proceedings of the 13th international symposium on mathematical morphology (ISMM)


The minimum barrier (MB) distance is defined as the minimal interval of gray-level values in an image along a path between two points, where the image is considered as a vertex-valued graph. Yet this definition does not fit with the interpretation of an image as an elevation map, i.e. a somehow continuous landscape. In this paper, based on the discrete set-valued continuity setting, we present a new discrete definition for this distance, which is compatible with this interpretation, while being free from digital topology issues. Amazingly, we show that the proposed distance is related to the morphological tree of shapes, which in addition allows for a fast and exact computation of this distance. That contrasts with the classical definition of the MB distance, where its fast computation is only an approximation.

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Morphological hierarchical image decomposition based on Laplacian 0-crossings

By Lê Duy Huỳnh, Yongchao Xu, Thierry Géraud


In Mathematical morphology and its application to signal and image processing – proceedings of the 13th international symposium on mathematical morphology (ISMM)


A method of text detection in natural images, to be turn into an effective embedded software on a mobile device, shall be both efficient and lightweight. We observed that a simple method based on the morphological Laplace operator can do the trick: we can construct in quasi-linear time a hierarchical image decomposition / simplification based on its 0-crossings, and search for some text in the resulting tree. Yet, for this decomposition to be sound, we need “0-crossings” to be Jordan curves, and to that aim, we rely on some discrete topology tools. Eventually, the hierarchical representation is the morphological tree of shapes of the Laplacian sign. Moreover, we provide an algorithm with linear time complexity to compute this representation. We expect that the proposed hierarchical representation can be useful in some applications other than text detection.

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Morphology-based hierarchical representation with application to text segmentation in natural images

By Lê Duy Huỳnh, Yongchao Xu, Thierry Géraud


In Proceedings of the 23st international conference on pattern recognition (ICPR)


Many text segmentation methods are elaborate and thus are not suitable to real-time implementation on mobile devices. Having an efficient and effective method, robust to noise, blur, or uneven illumination, is interesting due to the increasing number of mobile applications needing text extraction. We propose a hierarchical image representation, based on the morphological Laplace operator, which is used to give a robust text segmentation. This representation relies on several very sound theoretical tools; its computation eventually translates to a simple labeling algorithm, and for text segmentation and grouping, to an easy tree-based processing. We also show that this method can also be applied to document binarization, with the interesting feature of getting also reverse-video text.

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A challenging issue: Detection of white matter hyperintensities in neonatal brain MRI

By Baptiste Morel, Yongchao Xu, Alessio Virzi, Thierry Géraud, Catherine Adamsbaum, Isabelle Bloch


In Proceedings of the annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society


The progress of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows for a precise exploration of the brain of premature infants at term equivalent age. The so-called DEHSI (diffuse excessive high signal intensity) of the white matter of premature brains remains a challenging issue in terms of definition, and thus of interpretation. We propose a semi-automatic detection and quantification method of white matter hyperintensities in MRI relying on morphological operators and max-tree representations, which constitutes a powerful tool to help radiologists to improve their interpretation. Results show better reproducibility and robustness than interactive segmentation.

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Hierarchical image simplification and segmentation based on Mumford-Shah-salient level line selection

By Yongchao Xu, Thierry Géraud, Laurent Najman


In Pattern Recognition Letters


Hierarchies, such as the tree of shapes, are popular representations for image simplification and segmentation thanks to their multiscale structures. Selecting meaningful level lines (boundaries of shapes) yields to simplify image while preserving intact salient structures. Many image simplification and segmentation methods are driven by the optimization of an energy functional, for instance the celebrated Mumford-Shah functional. In this paper, we propose an efficient approach to hierarchical image simplification and segmentation based on the minimization of the piecewise-constant Mumford-Shah functional. This method conforms to the current trend that consists in producing hierarchical results rather than a unique partition. Contrary to classical approaches which compute optimal hierarchical segmentations from an input hierarchy of segmentations, we rely on the tree of shapes, a unique and well-defined representation equivalent to the image. Simply put, we compute for each level line of the image an attribute function that characterizes its persistence under the energy minimization. Then we stack the level lines from meaningless ones to salient ones through a saliency map based on extinction values defined on the tree-based shape space. Qualitative illustrations and quantitative evaluation on Weizmann segmentation evaluation database demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of our method.

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Hierarchical segmentation using tree-based shape spaces

By Yongchao Xu, Edwin Carlinet, Thierry Géraud, Laurent Najman


In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence


Current trends in image segmentation are to compute a hierarchy of image segmentations from fine to coarse. A classical approach to obtain a single meaningful image partition from a given hierarchy is to cut it in an optimal way, following the seminal approach of the scale-set theory. While interesting in many cases, the resulting segmentation, being a non-horizontal cut, is limited by the structure of the hierarchy. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that acts by transforming an input hierarchy into a new saliency map. It relies on the notion of shape space: a graph representation of a set of regions extracted from the image. Each region is characterized with an attribute describing it. We weigh the boundaries of a subset of meaningful regions (local minima) in the shape space by extinction values based on the attribute. This extinction-based saliency map represents a new hierarchy of segmentations highlighting regions having some specific characteristics. Each threshold of this map represents a segmentation which is generally different from any cut of the original hierarchy. This new approach thus enlarges the set of possible partition results that can be extracted from a given hierarchy. Qualitative and quantitative illustrations demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed method.

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Connected filtering on tree-based shape-spaces

By Yongchao Xu, Thierry Géraud, Laurent Najman


In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence


Connected filters are well-known for their good contour preservation property. A popular implementation strategy relies on tree-based image representations: for example, one can compute an attribute characterizing the connected component represented by each node of the tree and keep only the nodes for which the attribute is sufficiently high. This operation can be seen as a thresholding of the tree, seen as a graph whose nodes are weighted by the attribute. Rather than being satisfied with a mere thresholding, we propose to expand on this idea, and to apply connected filters on this latest graph. Consequently, the filtering is performed not in the space of the image, but in the space of shapes built from the image. Such a processing of shape-space filtering is a generalization of the existing tree-based connected operators. Indeed, the framework includes the classical existing connected operators by attributes. It also allows us to propose a class of novel connected operators from the leveling family, based on non-increasing attributes. Finally, we also propose a new class of connected operators that we call morphological shapings. Some illustrations and quantitative evaluations demonstrate the usefulness and robustness of the proposed shape-space filters.

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Efficient computation of attributes and saliency maps on tree-based image representations

By Yongchao Xu, Edwin Carlinet, Thierry Géraud, Laurent Najman


In Mathematical morphology and its application to signal and image processing – proceedings of the 12th international symposium on mathematical morphology (ISMM)


Tree-based image representations are popular tools for many applications in mathematical morphology and image processing. Classically, one computes an attribute on each node of a tree and decides whether to preserve or remove some nodes upon the attribute function. This attribute function plays a key role for the good performance of tree-based applications. In this paper, we propose several algorithms to compute efficiently some attribute information. The first one is incremental computation of information on region, contour, and context. Then we show how to compute efficiently extremal information along the contour (e.g., minimal gradient’s magnitude along the contour). Lastly, we depict computation of extinction-based saliency map using tree-based image representations. The computation complexity and the memory cost of these algorithms are analyzed. To the best of our knowledge, except information on region, none of the other algorithms is presented explicitly in any state-of-the-art paper.

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Tree-based morse regions: A topological approach to local feature detection

By Yongchao Xu, Thierry Géraud, Pascal Monasse, Laurent Najman


In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing


This paper introduces a topological approach to local invariant feature detection motivated by Morse theory. We use the critical points of the graph of the intensity image, revealing directly the topology information as initial “interest” points. Critical points are selected from what we call a tree-based shape-space. Specifically, they are selected from both the connected components of the upper level sets of the image (the Max-tree) and those of the lower level sets (the Min-tree). They correspond to specific nodes on those two trees: (1) to the leaves (extrema) and (2) to the nodes having bifurcation (saddle points). We then associate to each critical point the largest region that contains it and is topologically equivalent in its tree. We call such largest regions the Tree-Based Morse Regions (TBMR). TBMR can be seen as a variant of MSER, which are contrasted regions. Contrarily to MSER, TBMR relies only on topological information and thus fully inherit the invariance properties of the space of shapes (e.g., invariance to affine contrast changes and covariance to continuous transformations). In particular, TBMR extracts the regions independently of the contrast, which makes it truly contrast invariant. Furthermore, it is quasi parameter-free. TBMR extraction is fast, having the same complexity as MSER. Experimentally, TBMR achieves a repeatability on par with state-of-the-art methods, but obtains a significantly higher number of features. Both the accuracy and the robustness of TBMR are demonstrated by applications to image registration and 3D reconstruction.

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Espaces des formes basés sur des arbres : Définition et applications en traitement d’images et vision par ordinateur

By Yongchao Xu, Thierry Géraud, Laurent Najman


In Actes du 19ème congrès national sur reconnaissance des formes et l’intelligence artificielle (RFIA)


Le cadre classique des filtres connexes consiste à enlever d’un graphe certaines de ses composantes connexes. Pour appliquer ces filtres, il est souvent utile de transformer une image en un arbre de composantes, et on élague cet arbre pour simplifier l’image de départ. Les arbres ainsi formés ont des propriétés remarquables pour la vision par ordinateur. Une première illustration de leur intérêt est la définition d’un détecteur de zones d’intérêt, vraiment invariant aux changements de contraste, qui nous permet d’obtenir des résultats à l’état de l’art en recalage d’images et en reconstruction 3D à base d’images. Poursuivant dans l’utilisation de ces arbres, nous proposons d’élargir le cadre des filtres connexes. Pour cela, nous introduisons la notion d’espaces des formes basés sur des arbres : au lieu de filtrer des composantes connexes du graphe correspondant à l’image, nous proposons de filtrer des composantes connexes du graphe donné par l’arbre des composantes de l’image. Ce cadre général, que nous appelons morphologie basée sur les formes, peut être utilisé pour la détection et la segmentation d’objets, l’obtention de segmentations hiérarchiques, et le filtrage d’images. De nombreuses applications et illustrations montrent l’intérêt de ce cadre.

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