
Seminator 2 can complement generalized Büchi automata via improved semi-determinization

By František Blahoudek, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Jan Strejček


In Proceedings of the 32nd international conference on computer-aided verification (CAV’20)


We present the second generation of the tool Seminator that transforms transition-based generalized Büchi automata (TGBAs) into equivalent semi-deterministic automata. The tool has been extended with numerous optimizations and produces considerably smaller automata than its first version. In connection with the state-of-the-art LTL to TGBAs translator Spot, Seminator 2 produces smaller (on average) semi-deterministic automata than the direct LTL to semi-deterministic automata translator ltl2ldgba of the Owl library. Further, Seminator 2 has been extended with an improved NCSB complementation procedure for semi-deterministic automata, providing a new way to complement automata that is competitive with state-of-the-art complementation tools.

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A new minimum barrier distance for multivariate images with applications to salient object detection, shortest path finding, and segmentation


Hierarchical image representations are widely used in image processing to model the content of an image in the multi-scale structure. A well-known hierarchical representation is the tree of shapes (ToS) which encodes the inclusion relationship between connected components from different thresholded levels. This kind of tree is self-dual, contrast-change invariant and popular in computer vision community. Typically, in our work, we use this representation to compute the new distance which belongs to the mathematical morphology domain. Distance transforms and the saliency maps they induce are generally used in image processing, computer vision, and pattern recognition. One of the most commonly used distance transforms is the geodesic one. Unfortunately, this distance does not always achieve satisfying results on noisy or blurred images. Recently, a new pseudo-distance, called the minimum barrier distance (MBD), more robust to pixel fluctuation, has been introduced. Some years after, Géraud et al. have proposed a good and fast-to-compute approximation of this distance: the Dahu pseudo-distance. Since this distance was initially developed for grayscale images, we propose here an extension of this transform to multivariate images; we call it vectorial Dahu pseudo-distance. This new distance is easily and efficiently computed thanks to the multivariate tree of shapes (MToS). We propose an efficient way to compute this distance and its deduced saliency map in this thesis. We also investigate the properties of this distance in dealing with noise and blur in the image. This distance has been proved to be robust for pixel invariant. To validate this new distance, we provide benchmarks demonstrating how the vectorial Dahu pseudo-distance is more robust and competitive compared to other MB-based distances. This distance is promising for salient object detection, shortest path finding, and object segmentation. Moreover, we apply this distance to detect the document in videos. Our method is a region-based approach which relies on visual saliency deduced from the Dahu pseudo-distance. We show that the performance of our method is competitive with state-of-the-art methods on the ICDAR Smartdoc 2015 Competition dataset.

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A two-stage temporal-like fully convolutional network framework for left ventricle segmentation and quantification on MR images

By Zhou Zhao, Nicolas Boutry, Élodie Puybareau, Thierry Géraud


In Statistical atlases and computational models of the heart. Multi-sequence CMR segmentation, CRT-EPiggy and LV full quantification challenges—10th international workshop, STACOM 2019, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2019, shenzhen, china, october 13, 2019, revised selected papers


Automatic segmentation of the left ventricle (LV) of a living human heart in a magnetic resonance (MR) image (2D+t) allows to measure some clinical significant indices like the regional wall thicknesses (RWT), cavity dimensions, cavity and myocardium areas, and cardiac phase. Here, we propose a novel framework made of a sequence of two fully convolutional networks (FCN). The first is a modified temporal-like VGG16 (the “localization network”) and is used to localize roughly the LV (filled-in) epicardium position in each MR volume. The second FCN is a modified temporal-like VGG16 too, but devoted to segment the LV myocardium and cavity (the “segmentation network”). We evaluate the proposed method with 5-fold-cross-validation on the MICCAI 2019 LV Full Quantification Challenge dataset. For the network used to localize the epicardium, we obtain an average dice index of 0.8953 on validation set. For the segmentation network, we obtain an average dice index of 0.8664 on validation set (there, data augmentation is used). The mean absolute error (MAE) of average cavity and myocardium areas, dimensions, RWT are 114.77 mm^2; 0.9220 mm; 0.9185 mm respectively. The computation time of the pipeline is less than 2 s for an entire 3D volume. The error rate of phase classification is 7.6364%, which indicates that the proposed approach has a promising performance to estimate all these parameters.

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Learning endmember dynamics in multitemporal hyperspectral data using a state-space model formulation

By Lucas Drumetz, Mauro Dalla Mura, Guillaume Tochon, Ronan Fablet


In Proceedings of the 45th IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal processing (ICASSP)


Hyperspectral image unmixing is an inverse problem aiming at recovering the spectral signatures of pure materials of interest (called endmembers) and estimating their proportions (called abundances) in every pixel of the image. However, in spite of a tremendous applicative potential and the avent of new satellite sensors with high temporal resolution, multitemporal hyperspectral unmixing is still a relatively underexplored research avenue in the community, compared to standard image unmixing. In this paper, we propose a new framework for multitemporal unmixing and endmember extraction based on a state-space model, and present a proof of concept on simulated data to show how this representation can be used to inform multitemporal unmixing with external prior knowledge, or on the contrary to learn the dynamics of the quantities involved from data using neural network architectures adapted to the identification of dynamical systems.

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Performance comparison of several folding strategies

By Jim Newton


In Trends in functional programming


In this article we examine the computation order and consequent performance of three different conceptual implementations of the fold function. We explore a set of performance based experiments on different implementations of this function. In particular, we contrast the fold-left implementation with two other implements we refer to as pair-wise-fold and tree-like-fold. We explore two application areas: ratio arithmetic and Binary Decisions Diagram construction. We demonstrate several cases where the performance of certain algorithms is very different depending on the approach taken. In particular iterative computations where the object size accumulates are good candidates for the tree-like-fold.

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Quickref: Common Lisp reference documentation as a stress test for Texinfo

By Didier Verna


In TUGboat


Quickref is a global documentation project for the Common Lisp ecosystem. It creates reference manuals automatically by introspecting libraries and generating corresponding documentation in Texinfo format. The Texinfo files may subsequently be converted into PDF or HTML. Quickref is non-intrusive: software developers do not have anything to do to get their libraries documented by the system.Quickref may be used to create a local website documenting your current, partial, working environment, but it is also able to document the whole Common Lisp ecosystem at once. The result is a website containing almost two thousand reference manuals. Quickref provides a Docker image for an easy recreation of this website, but a public version is also available and actively maintained.Quickref constitutes an enormous and successful stress test for Texinfo. In this paper, we give an overview of the design and architecture of the system, describe the challenges and difficulties in generating valid Texinfo code automatically, and put some emphasis on the currently remaining problems and deficiencies.

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