
Apprentissage interprétable de la criminalité en france (2012-2021)

By Nida Meddouri, David Beserra


In Actes de l’atelier gestion et analyse des données spatiales et temporelles


L’activité criminelle en France a connu une évolution significative au cours des deux dernières décennies, marquée par la recrudescence des actes de malveillance, notamment liés aux mouvements sociaux et syndicaux, aux émeutes, ainsi qu’au terrorisme. Dans ce contexte difficile, l’utilisation de techniques issues de l’intelligence artificielle pourrait offrir de nombreuses perspectives pour renforcer la sûreté publique et privée en France. Un exemple de cette approche est l’analyse spatio-temporelle des données de criminalité, déjà couronnée de succès au Brésil (Da Silva et al., 2020), au Proche-Orient (Tolan et al., 2015), et dans d’autres pays. Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous explorons la possibilité d’appliquer cette approche au contexte français.

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Concurrent stochastic lossy channel games

By Daniel Stan, Muhammad Najib, Anthony Widjaja Lin, Parosh Aziz Abdulla


In Proceedings of the 32nd EACSL annual conference on computer science logic (CSL’24), february 19-23, 2024, naples, italy


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Enhanced neonatal screening for sickle cell disease: Human-guided deep learning with CNN on isoelectric focusing images

By Kpangni Alex Jérémie Koua, Cheikh Talibouya Diop, Lamine Diop, Mamadou Diop


In Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development


Accurate detection of abnormal hemoglobin variations is paramount for early diagnosis of sickle cell disease (SCD) in newborns. Traditional methods using isoelectric focusing (IEF) with agarose gels are technician-dependent and face limitations like inconsistent image quality and interpretation challenges. This study proposes a groundbreaking solution using deep learning (DL) and artificial intelligence (AI) while ensuring human guidance throughout the process. The system analyzes IEF gel images with convolutional neural networks (CNNs), achieving over 98% accuracy in identifying various SCD profiles, far surpassing the limitations of traditional methods. Furthermore, the system addresses ambiguities by incorporating an “Unconfirmed” category for unclear cases and assigns probability values to each classification, empowering clinicians with crucial information for informed decisions. This AI-powered tool, named SCScreen, seamlessly integrates machine learning with medical expertise, offering a robust, efficient, and accurate solution for SCD screening. Notably, SCScreen tackles the previously challenging diagnosis of major sickle cell syndromes (SDM) in newborns. This research has the potential to revolutionize SCD management. By strengthening screening platforms and potentially reducing costs, SCScreen paves the way for improved healthcare outcomes for newborns with SCD, potentially saving lives and improving the quality of life for affected individuals.

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Exploring WavLM back-ends for speech spoofing and deepfake detection


This paper describes our submitted systems to the ASVspoof 5 Challenge Track 1: Speech Deepfake Detection - Open Condition, which consists of a stand-alone speech deepfake (bonafide vs spoof) detection task. Recently, large-scale self-supervised models become a standard in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and other speech processing tasks. Thus, we leverage a pre-trained WavLM as a front-end model and pool its representations with different back-end techniques. The complete framework is fine-tuned using only the trained dataset of the challenge, similar to the close condition. Besides, we adopt data-augmentation by adding noise and reverberation using MUSAN noise and RIR datasets. We also experiment with codec augmentations to increase the performance of our method. Ultimately, we use the Bosaris toolkit for score calibration and system fusion to get better Cllr scores. Our fused system achieves $0.0937$ minDCF, $3.42%$ EER, $0.1927$ Cllr, and $0.1375$ actDCF.

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Towards supervised performance on speaker verification with self-supervised learning by leveraging large-scale ASR models


Recent advancements in Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) have shown promising results in Speaker Verification (SV). However, narrowing the performance gap with supervised systems remains an ongoing challenge. Several studies have observed that speech representations from large-scale ASR models contain valuable speaker information. This work explores the limitations of fine-tuning these models for SV using an SSL contrastive objective in an end-to-end approach. Then, we propose a framework to learn speaker representations in an SSL context by fine-tuning a pre-trained WavLM with a supervised loss using pseudo-labels. Initial pseudo-labels are derived from an SSL DINO-based model and are iteratively refined by clustering the model embeddings. Our method achieves 0.99% EER on VoxCeleb1-O, establishing the new state-of-the-art on self-supervised SV. As this performance is close to our supervised baseline of 0.94% EER, this contribution is a step towards supervised performance on SV with SSL.

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A CP-based automatic tool for instantiating truncated differential characteristics

By Fraņois Delobel, Patrick Derbez, Arthur Gontier, Loïc Rouquette, Christine Solnon


In Progress in cryptology – INDOCRYPT 2023


An important criteria to assert the security of a cryptographic primitive is its resistance against differential cryptanalysis. For word-oriented primitives, a common technique to determine the number of rounds required to ensure the immunity against differential distinguishers is to consider truncated differential characteristics and to count the number of active S-boxes. Doing so allows to provide an upper bound on the probability of the best differential characteristic with a reduced computational cost. However, in order to design very efficient primitives, it might be needed to evaluate the probability more accurately. This is usually done in a second step, during which one tries to instantiate truncated differential characteristics with actual values and computes its corresponding probability. This step is usually done with ad-hoc algorithms and CP or MILP models for generic solvers. In this paper, we present a generic approach for automatically generating these models to handle all word-oriented ciphers. Furthermore the running times to solve these models are very competitive with all the previous dedicated approaches.

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Ce que nous savons sur (les) sciences du jeu : Analyse bibliométrique et lexicométrique des articles de la revue (octobre 2013 - mai 2022)


On its website, Sciences du jeu describes itself as an “international and interdisciplinary journal whose mission is to develop and promote French-speaking researc[h] on play”, “to foster dialogue between social sciences and set off debates on this particular subject” Created in 2013 following a study day in tribute to the work of Jacques Henriot, its scientific program clearly follows in his footsteps. Indeed, Sciences du jeu defines itself not only as “open to all approaches or methods”, but also to “every aspect of play” (including, but not exclusively, video games) and to “researc[h] from various fields related to play in a broad sense (objects, structures, situations, experiences, attitudes)”.. Ten years after the publication of the first issue of the journal, we may well ask to what extent the articles published to date reflect the original approach of play originally promoted by Henriot. What about the references to this author and to the concepts he developed in his work? More generally, what are the bibliographical references most frequently used by the journal’s authors? What do they tell us about their conception of play and how they approach it? On which disciplinary approaches and methods are their analyses most often based? What types of games, themes and/or fields are most frequently studied? What are the gray areas and less visible fields? Finally, who are the authors of these papers (in terms of gender and status), where do they come from (in terms of affiliation and disciplinary roots) and how does this influence their perspective on play? To answer these questions, this paper draws on a bibliometric, lexicometric and sociological analysis based on a corpus comprising all the articles published in the first seventeen issues of the journal.

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